Meet the team

The Gax Company created this convention center with hard work. The name Gax comes from the founders' initials. Our team has people from widely different cultural origins, which represents our goal of spreading cultural awareness. We strive to create a comfortable ecosystem for all our guests, so they can properly take in our beautiful convention center.

Gavin Wells


Gavin is 14 years old and in 8th grade, he is American and he is the chapter president of the team. He attends Lamar Middle School, and built the original website and contibuted to the official website.

Josue Ayala


Josue is 14 years old and he is in 8th grade, and attends Lamar Middle School.He is salvadorian and he contributed to multiple web pages and built the rooms of the convention center.

Ty Gollihugh


Ty is 14 years old and in 8th grade and he is the leader of the team. He is Korean and he attends Lamar Middle School, and he helped build multiple web pages, linked photos and helped with the interior of the convention center. He also has strong points in HTML, CSS, and partially Javascript.

Baylor Xayprasith


Baylor is 14 years old and also in 8th grade and attends Lamar Middle School. He also helped build webpages and added the exterior to the convention center.

Peter Lam


Peter is 13 years old and is in 8th grade, he is currently doing full stack development for the team. Peter is Vietnamese and is currently attending Lamar middle school, he helped write why minecraft page, helped with the backend of the contact me page, He is comfortable in Typescript, nodeJS, and react JS.